Planning and strategy

Organising Resources for Social Media

So far, this guide has outlined the many ways social media can be transformative for brands, but what exactly does it take to get a social strategy up and running? This chapter summarises the resources, policies and processes brands should have in place to thrive on social media. In 2013, Altimeter reviewed the operating models […]

23 minute read

Communication Strategies for Social Media

A company’s approach to social media will depend on many factors, including the sector it operates within and its objectives. This chapter looks at the different ways businesses can reach their audiences, whether taking a global, local or blended approach is best, and the pitfalls to avoid. Social media communication strategies The experts interviewed for […]

15 minute read

A Broad Framework for a Social Media Strategy

If social media is to be part of a communications, marketing, customer experience/customer service, and increasingly a sales and ecommerce strategy, then it makes sense for an organisation to approach social media strategy with organisational, brand, communications, servicing, digital and commercial aims, objectives and measures in mind. This chapter lays out a framework for planning […]

6 minute read

Implementing Marketing Automation

Once the strategic foundations of a marketing automation approach have been laid, an organisation may progress through to implementing the strategy by following the eight steps outlined in this chapter. Set clear goals and objectives Setting clear goals on what implementing marketing automation is seeking to achieve is a crucial first step in the implementation. […]

17 minute read

Laying the Strategic Groundwork for Marketing Automation

To effectively execute a marketing automation programme, it is important to spend time upfront scoping out the role marketing automation could play in an organisation. Building a clear strategic foundation makes it easier to create any necessary internal business cases and move to the next step of implementation. Building this foundation can help create an […]

7 minute read

The Challenges of Marketing Automation

As with all new tools and technologies, the path to adopting marketing automation is not without challenges. Respondents to Econsultancy’s 2022 Future of Marketing survey foresee a variety of issues in implementing marketing automation, as illustrated in Figure 1. This chapter will explore this in more detail. Econsultancy’s 2022 Future of Marketing survey identified limited […]

10 minute read

Why Organisations Should Use Marketing Automation

Many organisations are using marketing automation to handle tasks that would simply be too laborious or time-consuming for marketers to take on. In this way, marketing automation platforms offer major gains in efficiency, which can translate into greater benefits for the business. This chapter considers the most significant benefits offered by marketing automation, and why […]

26 minute read

Defining Marketing Automation

By automating tasks that would be impossible to complete manually, organisations using marketing automation tools can free their employees to work on more creative or strategic assignments. This chapter provides a definition for marketing automation, looks at how it works within a marketing strategy and outlines the key features of marketing automation platforms. What is […]

14 minute read

Social Platforms to Watch

There are many social networks beyond the biggest players, both established and emerging, which offer brands new opportunities for engaging and interacting with their audiences in different ways. This chapter takes a look at three of these – Reddit, Clubhouse and Caffeine – and how organisations have been using them in their marketing strategies. Reddit […]

9 minute read

Getting Started on Messaging Platforms

Messaging app growth is outpacing social network growth. This chapter outlines how businesses can use messaging platforms, such as WhatsApp and Guild, to reach new audiences. Consumer communication is dominated by messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and WeChat. App usage statistics from October 2020 show that Facebook Inc.-owned WhatsApp has 2 billion users […]

7 minute read

Getting Started on Twitch

Brands have the opportunity to meaningfully connect with audiences on social platforms beyond Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. This chapter outlines the different ways brands can work with the streaming platform Twitch to meet their audiences., referred to as Twitch, is the world’s largest online streaming platform, attracting more than 15 million daily active users […]

16 minute read

Getting Started on YouTube

As the world’s second-largest search engine, YouTube is more than just a video platform. This chapter outlines how brands can create a content strategy for YouTube to engage with viewers. It covers the types of ads that are available on the platform and how to grow the brand channel’s viewership. YouTube was founded in 2005 […]

24 minute read