Planning and strategy

Helpful Email Marketing

Achieving the correct balance between using email as a sales tool and using it as a value-adding information and entertainment tool is key to building an effective marketing programme. This chapter discusses this balance and the new strategic approach known as ‘helpful email marketing’. What is helpful email marketing? Customer experience-focused email marketing understands that […]

4 minute read

The Email Audit

Building a communications strategy from the ground up can be a daunting prospect, but the rewards – a well-planned, organised email programme designed to achieve business aims and deliver value to customers – are well worth the effort. This chapter looks at the benefits of starting with an audit of the email marketing programme. Auditing […]

7 minute read

The Future of Agility and Innovation in Practice

It is clear from the interviews conducted for this research that there is a real opportunity for marketing teams and organisations to drive greater efficiency, responsiveness and customer value from implementing agile ways of working. However, it is also clear that organisations need to take account of their own contexts when defining how to transition […]

4 minute read

Data Privacy Challenges to Email Personalisation

Few events generated as much concern in email marketer circles as the advent of Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection (MPP) feature in 2021. This and other privacy features came into effect with Apple’s iOS15 update, impacting parts of email marketing measurement and personalisation. Overview of privacy features in iOS 15 MPP was one of several privacy-focused […]

Enhancements to Segmentation and Personalisation in Email Marketing

A brand can take multiple approaches to segmentation and personalisation. It also has many options for using technology to enhance these approaches. A first key step is to ensure that the data the technology is fed is consistent and of good quality. Unifying customer data Organisations may have sign-ups coming from various places. These include […]

13 minute read

Approaches to Segmentation in Email Marketing

As well as segmenting by data type, marketers can group customers based on factors linked to the company’s business models or business goals, such as where they are in the customer lifecycle, or by how much potential value they could bring to the business. This chapter looks at some of these approaches. Segmentation based on […]

12 minute read

Obtaining Data from Customers for Email Marketing

The move to eliminate third-party cookie use in all major web browsers has caused digital marketers to refocus their attention on the zero- and first-party data they have already gathered on their customers. Subscriber preferences: An overview Subscriber preferences have traditionally been broken down into explicit or expressed preferences and attitudes and implied or inferred […]

10 minute read

Data Types for Email Segmentation and Personalisation

Customer data can be categorised into four groups for segmenting customers: geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioural. Each of these can be layered to create meaningful subgroups for more targeted email content. This chapter looks at these four categories in detail. Figure 1: Data types for segmentation Source: Econsultancy Segmentation with geographic data Geographic segmentation is […]

6 minute read

The Role of Segmentation and Personalisation in Email Marketing

Segmentation and personalisation are practices that enable marketers to deliver a better user experience and drive engagement and loyalty. This chapter discusses what differentiates segmentation from personalisation and gives an overview of their application in email marketing. Segmentation and personalisation: An overview Segmentation and personalisation remain high on marketers’ wish lists of techniques they aspire […]

5 minute read

Segmentation and Personalisation in Email Marketing: A Summary

Nearly all research into email personalisation over the last 20 years supports the contention that customers will act on email messages that are relevant to their interests, preferences and behaviour. Relying on one-size-fits-all communications fails to maximise the potential of email as a direct-response, business-building channel. A targeted approach that uses a strategic combination of […]

3 minute read

Reporting in Email Marketing

Reports are summations of email performance issued at different time intervals. These can include post-campaign reports, weekly, quarterly or annual reports, or reports created to support budget requests or evaluate the effectiveness of an overall email marketing programme. This chapter discusses the benefits and requirements of regular reporting. The benefits of effective reporting Email service […]

7 minute read

Measuring Email Marketing Campaigns

Knowing how to use key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics effectively is critical to a good measurement strategy. This chapter explores some of the factors that should guide the selection of metrics, and other aspects of campaign measurement. Measuring email campaigns Conversions are often referred to as ‘goals’ to include the breadth of different outcomes […]

15 minute read