Planning and strategy

Getting Started on TikTok

TikTok is the fastest growing social platform, offering brands the opportunity to connect with audiences through short videos. This chapter outlines how businesses can determine what kind of TikTok presence is right for their brand, as well as how to attract followers. After the failure of promising social startups such as Peach, Ello and Mastodon, […]

14 minute read

Getting Started on Pinterest

With its strong emphasis on the visual, Pinterest can form a key part of consumer and lifestyle brands’ social media presence. This chapter outlines how Pinterest’s features can connect discovery with conversion, letting businesses set up shop on the platform, as well as how to attract followers and maintain a presence. Despite being billed as […]

19 minute read

Getting Started on Snapchat

Snapchat has proven to be a real innovator in the social space, with its ephemeral posts reimagined on many other platforms. With a disctinctly different atmosphere compared with Facebook and Instagram, the platform has been particularly popular among Generation Z and millennials. This chapter explores how establishing a presence on Snapchat offers brands a way […]

21 minute read

Getting Started on LinkedIn

More than a recruitment and networking tool, LinkedIn offers brands the opportunity to connect with their audiences and demonstrate thought leadership. This chapter outlines the different features LinkedIn offers brands looking to establish a presence on the platform, and provides guidance on how to nurture a community. LinkedIn: What type of presence is right for […]

20 minute read

Getting Started on X (formerly Twitter)

As well as being the platform where new ideas and movements emerge, X (formerly Twitter) offers brands a space to connect meaningfully with their audiences. This chapter outlines the different features brands can use to develop their presence on X, how to attract followers and how to manage a community on the platform. X: What […]

26 minute read

Getting Started on Instagram

A presence on Instagram has become essential for many businesses, letting consumer brands in particular express themselves in distinctly visual ways. This chapter outlines the different Instagram features brands can use to establish an engaging presence on the platform. Instagram: What type of presence is right for your brand? Instagram has experienced impressive global growth […]

10 minute read

Next Steps on Facebook

After reviewing the options available for brands looking to create a following on Facebook, it is time to start establishing a presence on the platform. This chapter outlines how to set up a company page on Facebook, attract followers and manage a community on the social network. Facebook Watch Facebook Watch, an original content video-streaming […]

13 minute read

Getting Started on Facebook

With more than 3 billion monthly active users, Facebook has the largest potential reach of all the social media platforms. This chapter introduces the different key areas in Facebook brands can use in their marketing, including company pages, Facebook ads and Messenger. Facebook: What type of presence is right for your brand? There are a […]

30 minute read

Building Social Media Advertising Campaigns

After establishing an audience, the campaign’s objective, which KPIs to follow and the creative to use, there are some technical considerations to take into account before brands can start building the campaign, which are covered in this chapter. Pixels For advertisers to get the most from their social media advertising platforms, they must understand what […]

14 minute read

Ad Creative for Social Media Advertising

Effective creative is core to a successful campaign. This includes the copy that is used as well as any imagery or videos. Good creative gets cut through in competitive environments. If audiences are at the heart of a paid social media campaign, it is crucial that the creative appeals to them. In the same discussion […]

26 minute read

Bidding Strategy for Social Media Advertising

Ad buying on social networks mostly works on an auction model through self-serve. Social platforms decide which ads to run based on this auction. To avoid paying too much, or their ads not showing at all, advertisers need the right bidding strategy. This chapter outlines what to consider when selecting a bidding strategy. Advertisers buying […]

9 minute read

Segmentation and Targeting for Social Media Advertising

Social media platforms offer brands various options for targeting different audiences. The key to success, however, is understanding those audiences’ behaviours, desires and pain points. This chapter considers the importance of audience segmentation before outlining different methods of audience targeting. Audience segmentation As with all marketing campaigns, it is important to be clear about the […]

19 minute read