Planning and strategy

Email Marketing Performance Metrics

When selecting a panel of metrics that will provide granular detail on key performance indicators (KPIs), it is important to understand the range and scope of available measures. This chapter lists the metrics and KPIs organisations should consider for measuring email campaigns. Email marketing KPIs and metrics When selecting KPIs and metrics, it is important […]

14 minute read

Goal Setting for Email Marketing

Businesses should be clear about what they want their email marketing programmes to achieve and how it ties into broader business goals. The strategy should be based on clear objectives that can be measured in fine detail with KPIs and metrics. This chapter looks at what is meant by these terms, and the roles they […]

5 minute read

People, Skills and Hiring for B2B Digital Transformation

This research highlights the numerous ways data and technology can enhance B2B digital transformation. Equally importantly, though, are the people and teams responsible for making it happen. People and skills The importance of considering the human capability side of transformation and innovation projects was emphasised by many of the experts interviewed for Econsultancy’s Future of […]

7 minute read

Data Transformation in B2B

The more a company knows about their customers or prospects, the better they can serve them and the more relevant the experience and communications can be. Data is key to gaining deeper client insights and using those insights to develop a better and more personalised experience. Data’s role in digital transformation Companies need to be […]

13 minute read

The Pillars of B2B Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is an ongoing journey. It is a process of continual progress and adaptation as things change quickly. This chapter of the research focuses on the key strategic pillars that need to be considered as part of this digital transformation journey. Transformation fundamentals Ashley Friedlein, Founder of Econsultancy and Guild, argues that digital transformation […]

11 minute read

Engaging B2B Customers Digitally

For many companies, delivering a B2B digital experience means adapting their strategies and approach to how they sell and engage with their customers. B2B selling moving from ‘push’ to ‘pull’ B2B sales cycles have historically adopted more of a ‘push’ than ‘pull’ approach, with sellers proactively pitching to clients via calls and trade shows, and […]

11 minute read

Digital technologies and tools to support the B2B customer journey

There are many tools available for improving the B2B customer journey, from the initial pre-sales queries to post-purchase aftercare. This chapter explores how marketers can use them to their advantage. Overview Typically buyers only spend 17% of their time meeting with potential suppliers when considering a purchase, according to Research from Gartner.[1] As hybrid selling […]

1 March 2024
5 minute read

Measures Across the Customer Journey

It can be tempting for ecommerce teams to focus on metrics that are immediately identifiable as important, such as conversion rate. Yet it is important that teams recognise the role that each stage in the journey has in contributing towards not only conversion, but overall revenues and profit. This chapter outlines the most important metrics […]

5 minute read

Techniques in Ecommerce Measurement

Measuring performance is clearly critical to driving success in ecommerce. With a plethora of metrics available to measure, teams should focus on the KPIs and metrics that will not only give them a comprehensive view of what is happening in the customer journey, but also enable them to test and learn, and drive performance. This […]

5 minute read

Driving Traffic in Ecommerce

Having a sound strategy for driving traffic to an ecommerce platform will lead to more conversions, which in turn can generate further investment into the business, helping promote growth. This chapter looks at this ‘flywheel’ mechanism, as well as how to sustain it with different practical strategies. Creating flywheels for growth Jeff Bezos has articulated […]

14 minute read