
Measurement in Social Media

There is the very real danger of option paralysis when measuring social media. The sheer amount of data that is available from the platforms for organic posts and paid advertising can be overwhelming. As the number of social platforms increases and alternative metrics are created for newer content formats and ad formats, this problem is […]

27 minute read

Evaluating Social Media Advertising Campaigns

After measuring the performance of a campaign, it is time to report the results to the rest of the business. Reporting allows advertisers to take stock of their performance and share that information with relevant stakeholders. This chapter outlines best practice for reporting, including how to present campaign information and with what frequency. Reporting basics […]

6 minute read

Measuring Social Media Advertising Campaigns

Measurement is the best way of determining whether social media advertising is performing as expected and is delivering the desired results. Whether it is a brand or direct response campaign, it is important to analyse whether the activity has been a success. Measuring campaigns There are two key factors to remember when reviewing campaign performance: […]

11 minute read

Reporting in Email Marketing

Reports are summations of email performance issued at different time intervals. These can include post-campaign reports, weekly, quarterly or annual reports, or reports created to support budget requests or evaluate the effectiveness of an overall email marketing programme. This chapter discusses the benefits and requirements of regular reporting. The benefits of effective reporting Email service […]

7 minute read

Measuring Email Marketing Campaigns

Knowing how to use key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics effectively is critical to a good measurement strategy. This chapter explores some of the factors that should guide the selection of metrics, and other aspects of campaign measurement. Measuring email campaigns Conversions are often referred to as ‘goals’ to include the breadth of different outcomes […]

15 minute read

Email Marketing Performance Metrics

When selecting a panel of metrics that will provide granular detail on key performance indicators (KPIs), it is important to understand the range and scope of available measures. This chapter lists the metrics and KPIs organisations should consider for measuring email campaigns. Email marketing KPIs and metrics When selecting KPIs and metrics, it is important […]

14 minute read

Goal Setting for Email Marketing

Businesses should be clear about what they want their email marketing programmes to achieve and how it ties into broader business goals. The strategy should be based on clear objectives that can be measured in fine detail with KPIs and metrics. This chapter looks at what is meant by these terms, and the roles they […]

5 minute read

Measurement in Ecommerce: A Checklist

The role of data has become increasingly central to ecommerce capability, challenging businesses to adapt systems, workflows and practices to capitalise on the opportunity that rich data and understanding can bring. As machine learning becomes ever more integrated into systems, new ways of enhancing customer experience, gaining deep insights and applying personalisation at scale are […]

2 minute read

Testing, Optimisation and Attribution in Ecommerce

Testing should be used throughout the customer journey to optimise against key goals and measures. This chapter provides an overview of the testing process. It includes an experimental framework to allow for continuous optimisation and outlines models for attribution – another important consideration for teams seeking to understand how much each channel contributes to ecommerce […]

5 minute read