
Measures Across the Customer Journey

It can be tempting for ecommerce teams to focus on metrics that are immediately identifiable as important, such as conversion rate. Yet it is important that teams recognise the role that each stage in the journey has in contributing towards not only conversion, but overall revenues and profit. This chapter outlines the most important metrics […]

5 minute read

Techniques in Ecommerce Measurement

Measuring performance is clearly critical to driving success in ecommerce. With a plethora of metrics available to measure, teams should focus on the KPIs and metrics that will not only give them a comprehensive view of what is happening in the customer journey, but also enable them to test and learn, and drive performance. This […]

5 minute read

Measurement in Ecommerce: A Summary

Ecommerce is evolving rapidly as businesses look to drive revenue and meet growing consumer expectations. With swiftly changing competitive, technology, market and customer contexts (accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic), businesses need to respond by shaping their ecommerce operations, strategies and models in ways that satisfy contemporary customer needs. Yet they must also ensure their practices […]

2 minute read

Measurement and Attribution in Content Strategy

Measurement is a fundamental part of data-driven marketing, enabling marketers to make more informed decisions and improve the effectiveness of their content strategies. Measuring content The Content Strategy Fundamentals chapter of this research stressed the need for continuous improvement and optimisation of content. Measurement should therefore be seen as a process that can feed into […]

4 minute read

How to Measure Digital Advertising

Understanding how best to measure digital advertising is a crucial step in running successful campaigns. Without measurement there can be no clarity on the effectiveness of the campaign. Measuring digital ad effectiveness The amount of data available to advertisers is undergoing rapid change, thanks to some of the technological and regulatory initiatives that will be […]

20 minute read

Advanced Measurement

Marketers will have many measurement tools and techniques in their marketing toolkit, but the rise of increasingly sophisticated technologies requires new skills and approaches. Knowing how to maximise data to its fullest potential is what differentiates truly data-driven businesses from the rest, as outlined in this chapter. Data maturity Central to the concept of data […]

9 minute read

Initial Analysis

After the data is prepared and the context of the analysis within the measurement plan understood, indicators are calculated and analysis is performed to generate the information that can then be assessed, visualised and presented. This chapter guides marketers through the key first steps, providing an overview of common performance metrics and methods for analysis. […]

15 minute read

Interpreting Data

As essential as accurate data collection is the interpretation of the data. The process of gaining information and insight – finding meaning in the data – and then communicating that effectively across the business is vital so that the knowledge derived can be actioned through informed decision making. Business objectives Data analysts have a number […]

16 minute read

Measurement Technology

Measurement technology has evolved significantly over the past decade alone, with constantly changing tools and data infrastructures keeping marketers on their toes. This chapter provides marketers with essential information about key measurement tools and data infrastructures, and how to ensure their marketing tech stacks are futureproof. Tools Dealing with measurement tools and structure independently of […]

18 minute read

Implementing Tracking Across Channels

In order to give a full picture on the performance of marketing campaigns across digital, approaches for capturing online and offline touchpoints and conversions need to be as comprehensive as possible. This chapter gives an overview of the key principles of data collection and how to track data across different channels. Key principles Realistically, it […]

10 minute read

Measuring Performance

Digital transformation has had an impact on almost every aspect of an organisation, though only now is the role of data in transformation being fully understood and valued. Today, marketers can measure performance more than ever before, so what skills, resources and methods will help to achieve the best results? Selecting what to measure Once […]

30 minute read

Understanding the Measurement Environment

Present day challenges centre on two environmental trends – customer focus and technological change. These environmental pressures require that an organisation plans a data and measurement strategy so that they can deliver the levels of insight marketers require to communicate their value and achieve objectives. Understanding this context helps inform approaches to implementing measurement and […]

21 minute read