
Evaluating, Measuring and Optimising CX

After developing a CX strategy, it is important to measure its impact and continue testing and learning. This chapter provides guidance on how to evaluate and measure CX, as well as a framework for optimising CX. Evaluating and measuring CX Real behaviour vs. claimed behaviour When evaluating and measuring CX it can be useful to […]

20 minute read

Measuring UX

To measure UX effectively, developers need to have the right data sources, as well as the right goals and measurement frameworks to monitor and report on what really matters. A/B testing A/B testing (or ‘multivariate testing’) is one of the simplest methods for testing different user interfaces. By showing them to different sets of users […]

11 minute read

Diagnosing UX

Great UX outcomes are the result of a detailed process and attention to detail, rather than the merits of one tool or approach over another. However, an understanding of tools and solutions can help define the right tool for the job – even if that tool turns out to be something as simple as Microsoft […]

17 minute read

Retail Media Measurement and Optimisation

Clear objectives are the foundation of any successful strategy, and these must be supported by an established hierarchy of measures and metrics in order to track and optimise performance. This chapter looks at aligning goals and KPIs, the closed-loop model of attribution inherent in retail media, and appropriate measures across the customer journey. Taking a […]

8 minute read