
How Air New Zealand used tag management for attribution

Most ecommerce businesses invest in a range of digital marketing channels, so working out the exact attribution and ROI can be incredibly complex.

For example, the importance of search can often be overstated, as that tends to be the last step on the path to conversion.

To try to develop a better understanding of its marketing attribution, Air New Zealand began using a tag management system two years ago.

The ecommerce team found that the assumptions and investments that it made based on a last-click model were hugely inaccurate, particularly when it came to display.

To find out more about how tag management impacted Air New Zealand’s attribution model, I spoke to UK and continental Europe online channel manager Chris Allison…

Which of your digital marketing channels assist most in conversions?

Attribution modelling, multi-channel funnels, customer journey mapping… it’s all very hot at the moment.

As part of my preparation for a talk I’m giving this Wednesday I had a look at’s own data for how different digital marketing channels contributed to conversions.

I was interested by what I found so wanted to share it here to see what others are learning.