Customer Insight

Consumer Neuroscience and Digital Marketing

This report explains how consumer neuroscience and consumer psychology can benefit digital marketers for strategy and implementation. It examines consumer neuroscience as a market research discipline, and explores cognitive concepts that can be directly applied by digital marketers.


Five things you can learn about customers just by asking

Over the course of a typical year, I attend a number of retail and digital marketing conferences.

Without fail, everybody attending learns a huge amount. But almost everybody I speak to also comments that in heading back to the office they have a whole load more stuff they need to think about.

The ‘to do’ list keeps growing and growing.

18 useful Google Analytics custom reports, segments and dashboards for SEO

The customisable features in Google Analytics are great for extracting maximum value from your data. 

Here I’ve gathered together a selection of custom reports, dashboards and advanced segments to help you measure SEO efforts more effectively. 

Some you’ll need to create yourself, following the instructions, while the rest you can just click and download and save lots of time and effort. 

Just click the download links when logged into you Google Analytics account to add them to your profile…

Is the RFP broken? Part two

The question of whether the ecommerce RFP is fit for purpose raised its head again recently.

I’ve received a few since the last post and have come to the conclusion that they have all entirely missed a rather large point, to paraphrase the intro from my first post.

Are financial service online communities effective?

Rob Cottingham comic stripOnline communities are a powerful tool. Get the strategy right and they can help to generate a major success story: get them wrong, and they fade into insignificance, if you are lucky! 

Historically, social media was seen as an anathema to businesses like banks.

Thankfully such narrow minded thinking is a thing of the past, but some businesses have gone too far in the other direction.