Community Management

Talk like a human, for business’s sake

Let’s face it, it’s not too unusual to run into corporate communications that feel impersonal and distant from a customer’s point of view.

So, it’s no coincidence that agencies use the word ‘humanising’ over and over again when providing advice on brand messaging. 

Putting aside any possible scepticism towards the seemingly volatile concept, humanising customer interactions must be the ultimate mission of any modern brand, which should empower its brave employees to shake off any robotic feel customers may perceive in their interactions with the company.

bjorn borg ad

Björn Borg underwear: why I think they’re the Masters of Marketing

We asked a few friends of the blog to nominate their favourite brands in the Brand of the Year category at Econsultancy and Marketing Week’s new Masters of Marketing awards. Here is Parry Malm with his nomination…

Econsultancy asked me which brand I thought was truly a Master of Marketing.

After much thought, and I’m sorry Kanye, Ima let you finish, the prize goes to Björn Borg, the purveyor of colourful socks and underwear. Here’s why…

Five key social media pillars that all charities should embrace

Charities have an advantage over regular brands on social media.

They have a passionate, emotionally connected supporter base at their fingertips, ready to sing their praises.

However that doesn’t mean success is guaranteed, far from it. With organic reach squeezed and thousands of brands clambering for space on your newsfeed, it’s getting harder and harder to engage the people that matter.

Six ways to woo influencers to support your cause

Getting the right influencers on-side can give any social campaign a massive boost.

The past week saw a 2,119% growth in referral traffic from Twitter to the Prostate Cancer UK website. The trigger: a simple tweet from Stephen Fry.