KHWS Limited is the Brand Commerce agency. It creates behavioural-led marketing that triggers sales across the full-digital mix. It is equally happy designing and building a stunning website, producing powerful interactive content, developing engaging social campaigns, implementing effective eCRM/ecommerce or creating in-store activations.

We all use heuristics (hardwired mental shortcuts) to make decisions. KHWS Limited reframed nine of the most relevant to purchase decisions, which it calls Sales Triggers. Using its behavioural-led insight tools it creates digital strategies and creative marketing which has a positive impact on people’s buying decisions.

By 2021, it is estimated the UK will spend more than £20bn through grocery ecommerce alone. To ensure brands prosper in the future, the agency is focused on understanding shopper behaviour online. Its behavioural-led proprietary planning model helps inform more effective creative ideas that enable brands to secure a place in the cart.

It was the agency’s 25th birthday in May, which presented a moment of celebration, but also a moment of reflection. Digital has transformed the world we live in. But while technology has evolved, our brains make purchase decisions in the same way. It’s why brand commerce is proving so attractive to clients.


Position 201855
Financial YearDecember 2017
Fee Income (£)8,362,503