Native Apps

How Target is using a mobile app to involve customers in product development

Market research within retail is often done through online surveys or in-depth focus groups. These practices can generate deeper insight into customer preferences, however, they can also be time-consuming and irrelevant by the time it comes to actual product development.

So, what if there was an easier way to gauge what the customer wants?

The potential of AI therapy bots in mental health care

Artificial intelligence is having a marked impact on the pharma and healthcare industries. From streamlining paperwork to scanning X-Rays – it is slowly transforming the way people are diagnosed and treated.

One area within the industry that has potential to be disrupted by AI is mental health care, specifically with the use of chatbots for therapy and general wellbeing.

Spotify UX vs. Apple Music UX: How do they compare?

As a music lover in 2018, it is almost impossible to avoid streaming services and their neatly priced subscriptions.

There are two major players that account for 110 million subscribers globally and make up 32% of the US market for music purchases – Apple (15%) and Spotify (17%). As such, it only makes sense to pit the two streaming app giants against one another to see who reigns supreme in terms of having a superior UX.

What makes HQ Trivia a winning mobile app?

It’s not often that a mobile gaming app seeps into the public’s consciousness. 

Pokémon Go is perhaps the last prominent example. You couldn’t step outside during summer 2016 without seeing someone trying to catch a Magikarp. Candy Crush is another well-known favourite, of course.

How UX makes Cookpad’s app the best antidote to Instagram for foodies

Recipe sharing has come a long way from hand-me-down cookbooks. Now, you can find out how to make anything from roast beef to ramen with just a quick search online.

CookPad, Japan’s largest recipe-sharing network, now has global headquarters here in the UK in Bristol (where they are rapidly growing a data science team to further augment their app and service). With 60 million monthly unique users in Japan and 40 million global users per month – its hungry user-base is rapidly growing. 

Push notifications are rising: Here’s four examples of brands using them well

It is a tool most commonly used for breaking news, but recent research suggests that push notifications are increasingly being used by brands of all kinds.

According to LeanPlum, three times more push notifications were sent on Black Friday 2017 compared to the year before, with push notifications also being opened two and a half times more often than normal. Meanwhile, a survey by Localytics suggests that users are more willing to receive push notifications than they were in 2015.