
Google unveils AI-driven ad placement with launch of AdSense Auto ads

Despite the fact that more money than ever is being invested in digital advertising, being an ad-supported digital publisher is not easy. And that isn’t just because of ad blockers, ad fraud and the countless number of providers, technologies and formats in the ecosystem.

Indeed, even seemingly basic activities such as determining how many ads to display, and which types of ads to display, usually aren’t straightforward and the wrong assumptions and decisions can result in significant lost revenues.

Unilever fires a shot across the bow of Google and Facebook, but is it all bark and no bite?

Recent history hasn’t been so nice to Google and Facebook.

In the wake of a growing number of scandals involving fake news and high-profile content creators that publish through their platforms, the two digital behemoths have found themselves facing scrutiny and scorn from the public, politicians and advertisers at a level they haven’t experienced previously.

In a blow to marketers, Google will let users opt-out of remarketing ads

Life continues to get more and more difficult for marketers, particularly those who target users as precisely as possible.

Earlier this week, Mozilla announced that it has added Opt-in Tracking Protection to Firefox Quantum, the latest version of its popular browser. Opt-in Tracking Protection enables users to block trackers, many of which are used by ad networks, all time time. Previously, Firefox blocked trackers only when users were browsing in private mode.

Digital Shift Report: Q1 2018

Webinar Recording 1.   Welcome to Digital Shift Digital Shift is Econsultancy’s trends service, designed to give you the need-to-know insights into the key shifts in the digital marketing and ecommerce space. As we all know, the pace of change that marketers face is relentless. We are faced each day with articles, blog posts, product announcements and […]

Should brands be worried about the possible repeal of net neutrality rules?

The potential repeal of the 2015 net neutrality rules that were implemented in the U.S. by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has sparked an outcry from consumers, consumer rights groups, businesses and trade organizations.

Under a proposal unveiled last week, ISPs would, among other things, no longer be banned from charging companies to prioritize the delivery of their content or restricting access to particular online services that utilize significant resources.

Could cryptojacking go legit and disrupt digital advertising?

The price of Bitcoin recently touched the $6,000 level for the first time ever, and this year has seen the cryptocurrency’s value jump by over 500%.

Given the rising fortunes of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, it’s no surprise that scammers have sought to capitalize. One of the ways they have attempted to cash in on the cryptocurrency craze is through a new phenomenon dubbed cryptojacking.