Jack Simpson

About Jack Simpson

How three top betting sites handle social content

Social content is – or at least should be – entirely driven by a brand’s tone of voice. And that tone of voice should be driven in turn by the brand’s target audience and the image it wants to achieve. 

Betting companies are interesting because they get away with stuff that a lot of other brands wouldn’t (everyone remembers the ‘last one to sign up to a Paddy Power account is a t***’ banner ad).  

I thought I’d look at three of the top UK betting sites to see how they handle social content and what other brands can learn from their success. 


10 common online copywriting mistakes

Anyone can be a writer these days. All you need is a computer with an internet connection and a tenner to spend on a domain name.

The problem is: anyone can be a writer these days.

12 best branded Instagram videos from March 2016

If your brand is on Instagram and you’re still not posting videos, you’re not using the platform to its full potential. 

Hopefully some the following clips will inspire your own Instagram video efforts, although obviously launching a rocket into space is not going to be an option for every brand. 

Do you need to be on that new social media platform?

Not too many years ago brands were deliberating on whether to embrace social media at all, and for those that did there were relatively few platforms to choose from. 

Now, however, it seems there’s a new social media platform to get excited about every month.

The landscape has completely changed, and it can be daunting for brands to take the plunge and plough resources into something that isn’t guaranteed to return any value. 

What are first-, second- and third-party data?

I’m not trying to teach anyone how to suck eggs here. Perish the thought.

But let’s face it: some of you probably just smile and nod when somebody starts going on about the merits of ‘second-party data’. 

Sure, everyone knows what these terms mean in principle, but in this post I’m going to break down three key types of data – first-party, second-party and third-party – and explain what they all mean, where the different data sets come from and the pros and cons of each.

11 of the most memorable ‘brand’ #hashtags of all time

Twitter celebrated its 10th birthday this week, and despite all its problems it has arguably become as important a technical feature of society as the TV or the telephone. 

Not a single campaign or significant event goes by without having a hashtag attached, and Twitter quite often becomes the primary source of news for individuals and high-profile publications alike.  

In light of all that, I thought I’d celebrate some of the very best uses of hashtags I’ve seen from brands over the years. 

Two-thirds of Australian marketers say current display ads model is broken

We often discuss the state of display ads on this blog, sadly it is not always in the most positive light, and it seems the majority of marketers agree with us. But there is hope for a better approach.

Sixty-six percent of brand marketers and media buyers in Australia surveyed in our recent People-Based Advertising report either agree or strongly agree that the current model for display advertising is broken, and only 12% disagree that it is. 

What brands can learn from Chipotle’s Twitter fiasco

Bad news for Chipotle last week, as a judge ruled it was at fault for firing an employee who tweeted a negative comment about working there. 

But while the fajita-flogger might not be happy about the situation, I think brands could certainly learn a few things at the expense of Chipotle’s misery.

Three reasons Instagram’s algorithmic timeline is yet another terrible idea

It seems wherever you turn in the digital marketing world these days there is some popular app updating its timeline to an algorithmic one.

Apparently this is what users really want, you see, although judging by the reactions of said users every time one of the announcements is made you’d be forgiven for assuming those Silicon Valley meeting rooms exist within actual bubbles. 

The ultimate 2016 email marketing benchmark guide

Email continues to be an extremely important marketing channel, so it’s important to know how well your email efforts are performing. 

But while it’s easy to find out how many clicks, opens and so on your emails are getting, it can be difficult to understand the significance of those numbers without having something to benchmark them against.