Process and Project Management

Why the modern marketer must embrace technology

Technology is one of the twelve core elements of the Modern Marketing Manifesto formulated by Marketing Week and Econsultancy. We propose that to be a modern marketer you must be comfortable and adept at procuring and using technology to its best advantage. We believe modern marketers will have increasing ownership of technology. But it isn’t […]

The rise of the tech-savvy CMO

Once upon a time, when the internet was in its corporate infancy, a set of decisions were made that have affected the development of online retail ever since.

Here, I explain those decisions, and the rise of the tech-savvy CMO.

Content marketing: welcome to the world of Fast-Moving Consumer Content (FMCC)

As more and more businesses, from multi-national brands to one-man-bands, continue to embrace content creation and content marketing as an effective tool to engage and embrace with their customers, we are now living in a world of Fast Moving Consumer Content (FMCC).

Those brands and businesses that understand, and adapt their marketing efforts to accommodate the continuing, insatiable consumer demand for content, the more successful they will become. 

It’s not personal, it’s policy

Working as part of an in-house web team can be a challenge. Much of the time is spent arguing with stakeholders about why something shouldn’t be done on the site.

However, a few simple policies could help reduce this wasted time.

A closer look at Google’s Webmaster Tools revamp

The navigation menu in Google’s Webmaster Tools has been given a very subtle new look. Apart from looking fabulous, it’s actually a pretty logical update.

If you like to keep your finger on the pulse of your website, you’ll be no stranger to Google’s Webmaster Tools. And those of you that use it on a daily basis will have noticed that last week, Google changed the navigation design.

Agile marketing: the 70:20:10 rule

One of the characteristics of the modern marketer outlined in our recent Modern Marketing Manifesto is agility. The ability to be responsive and adaptive. To be flexible and embrace change.

The concept of agile marketing has grown from the need to try and deal with a more fluid marketing environment, driven largely by digital, and has borrowed from the principles of agile software development.

The latter values “individuals and interactions over processes and tools; working software over comprehensive documentation; customer collaboration over contract negotiation; responding to change over following a plan”.

Encouraging content collaboration through user stories

Many web projects begin with a long list of requirements submitted by various stakeholders across the organisation.

However, these ‘wishlists’ are often divorced from the needs of the user.

I spend most of my time working with clients on their digital strategy. These are large organisations, containing many stakeholders, spread over many different divisions and departments.

These organisations often lack strong digital leadership and their websites are crippled by internal politics relating to content and prioritisation.