
Evolving Social Commerce

Around 4.6 billion people (more than half of the world’s population) use social media,[1] with consumers spending an average of two and half hours a day on social platforms, according to Hootsuite and GlobalWebIndex.[2] As platforms explore an ever-increasing list of ways to monetise their audiences, social commerce is expanding rapidly. This chapter looks at […]

23 minute read
silver retro robot with wheels holding small brown cardboard boxes standing beside a unit of three shelves each carrying more cardboard boxes on a red background

Innovation in Martech and Commerce Technology

Before looking at the different ecommerce platforms that businesses need to build and sustain an ecommerce function, it is useful to consider how martech and commerce tech is developing, the capabilities this offers brands and how it is becoming more accessible. This chapter looks at the three major trends that will guide ecommerce evolution, and […]

7 minute read
three miniature shopping trolleys placed sideways in a row on a light turquoise background

The Fundamentals of Ecommerce Strategy

Ecommerce success depends on a specific set of factors. This chapter runs through the fundamentals of ecommerce strategy, the formula for driving success, models that outline what the business needs to support an ecommerce function, and the components required in an ecommerce tech stack. The ecommerce formula At the most fundamental level, ecommerce success is […]

10 minute read
miniature shopping trolley standing on the bend of a broad, S-shaped arrow pointing from the ground upwards on a beige background

The Evolution of Ecommerce

Establishing a clear strategy and a robust operational setup is essential for ecommerce success. As routes to market proliferate and evolve, businesses are presented with the opportunity to explore new areas and models. In order to do so, they must establish the operational capability that allows for this experimentation while optimising existing opportunities and approaches. […]

4 minute read

Evolving Content Strategy

The starting place for this research was a recognition that content is more important in marketing than ever. With a clear understanding of its value, this chapter highlights how content strategy is evolving and key trends and opportunities marketers should pay attention to. Balancing brand building with activation Les Binet and Peter Field’s research into […]

13 minute read

The Future of Digital Advertising

With many technologies emerging with the potential to impact digital advertising, the final chapter of this guide explores some of the most significant trends marketers should pay attention to. Emerging technologies Figure 1 shows how seriously respondents to Econsultancy’s 2022 Future of Marketing survey are taking some of these technologies, and it is interesting to […]

8 minute read

Creating Omnichannel Experiences

With customers interacting with brands through a variety of touchpoints, both digital and offline, the need to provide seamless omnichannel experiences has never been more important. This chapter outlines the contributors to great omnichannel experiences. What is a great omnichannel experience? The focus on omnichannel CX has never been greater. According to data from PWC, […]

13 minute read
Implementing a CX strategy, customer experience, happy customer

Changing Customer Experience Contexts

Customer experience (CX) management has become an imperative for digital marketers. This chapter looks at how events in the past few years, including the Covid-19 pandemic, have changed the game by transforming customer behaviour and expectations. Rapid change and the need to double down on CX Covid-19 has served to accelerate a number of customer-related […]

8 minute read
red, yellow and blue pins in geographic paper map

The Development and Rise of Customer Journey Mapping

The exact origin of customer journey mapping and customer journey maps is a little unclear, but the concept of a business or organisation mapping business processes is not a new one. This chapter considers the origins of the practice, and its increased relevance today as new technologies continue to transform the customer journey. The origins […]

9 minute read

The Future of Retail Media

Retail media looks set for a bright future, with rapid growth predicted and an increasing number of brands and retailers creating an expanding and ever more sophisticated ecosystem. There will likely be some key areas for brands to pay attention to that are inherent within this growth. Growing maturity and integration As retail media becomes […]

5 minute read