Introduction and overview

Measurement in Ecommerce: A Checklist

The role of data has become increasingly central to ecommerce capability, challenging businesses to adapt systems, workflows and practices to capitalise on the opportunity that rich data and understanding can bring. As machine learning becomes ever more integrated into systems, new ways of enhancing customer experience, gaining deep insights and applying personalisation at scale are […]

2 minute read

Techniques in Ecommerce Measurement

Measuring performance is clearly critical to driving success in ecommerce. With a plethora of metrics available to measure, teams should focus on the KPIs and metrics that will not only give them a comprehensive view of what is happening in the customer journey, but also enable them to test and learn, and drive performance. This […]

5 minute read

Measurement in Ecommerce: A Summary

Ecommerce is evolving rapidly as businesses look to drive revenue and meet growing consumer expectations. With swiftly changing competitive, technology, market and customer contexts (accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic), businesses need to respond by shaping their ecommerce operations, strategies and models in ways that satisfy contemporary customer needs. Yet they must also ensure their practices […]

2 minute read

Generating Demand in Ecommerce: A Checklist

Ecommerce capability, strategy and execution are ever evolving. As technology continues to develop, new models, channels and possibilities are emerging, providing organisations with more options than ever for reaching, engaging and selling to consumers. This chapter looks at how ecommerce may develop and provides a checklist as a reference for getting started. As software-as-a-service models […]

8 minute read

Third-Party Marketplaces

Marketplaces serve to aggregate products from multiple brands and suppliers, as well as the shoppers that are interested in buying those products. The benefits for both brands and customers typically come from the scale, range and focus that marketplaces can provide. This chapter looks at the two main different types of marketplace, as well as […]

7 minute read

Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) Models

The barriers of entry for creating and executing a direct-to-consumer (DTC) proposition have lowered dramatically due to the wider availability of plug-and-play ecommerce platforms and a host of service providers that enable various parts of the DTC value chain, from content optimisation and personalisation through to fulfilment and managing returns. Combined with the ability to […]

6 minute read

Generating Demand in Ecommerce: A Summary

Ecommerce is evolving rapidly as businesses look to drive revenue and meet growing customer expectations. In a fast-evolving business environment, organisations need to respond by shaping their ecommerce operations, strategies and models in ways that satisfy contemporary customer needs. Yet they must also ensure their practices and processes are set up for a future where […]

2 minute read
brown cardboard boxes arranged on a bending conveyor on a blue background

Ecommerce Strategy and Operations: A Checklist

Ecommerce capability, strategy and execution are ever evolving. As technology continues to develop, new models, channels and possibilities are emerging, providing organisations with more options than ever for reaching, engaging and selling to consumers. As software-as-a-service models proliferate, sophisticated technology-driven capability is becoming democratised, giving businesses of all sizes access to advanced tools and changing […]

5 minute read
silver retro robot with wheels holding small brown cardboard boxes standing beside a unit of three shelves each carrying more cardboard boxes on a red background

Innovation in Martech and Commerce Technology

Before looking at the different ecommerce platforms that businesses need to build and sustain an ecommerce function, it is useful to consider how martech and commerce tech is developing, the capabilities this offers brands and how it is becoming more accessible. This chapter looks at the three major trends that will guide ecommerce evolution, and […]

7 minute read
miniature shopping trolley standing on the bend of a broad, S-shaped arrow pointing from the ground upwards on a beige background

The Evolution of Ecommerce

Establishing a clear strategy and a robust operational setup is essential for ecommerce success. As routes to market proliferate and evolve, businesses are presented with the opportunity to explore new areas and models. In order to do so, they must establish the operational capability that allows for this experimentation while optimising existing opportunities and approaches. […]

4 minute read