Introduction and overview

The Importance of Email Testing

The ability to optimise easily is one of email’s greatest advantages over other marketing channels. Marketers that routinely send messages to their subscription lists have regular opportunities to test and optimise. This allows for continuous improvement. Testing programmes Testing can be conducted on all types of messages, including promotional campaigns, newsletters or updates to whole […]

5 minute read

Testing and Optimisation for Email Marketing: A Summary

An optimised email programme will generate more revenue and build greater engagement. It will add to the company’s understanding of its customers, making the channel an even more valuable resource, worthy of greater investment. Testing is the most common method of optimisation. Many email service providers now include basic testing modules in their platforms, which […]

2 minute read

Layout and Creative in Email Marketing: A Summary

The goal of good email design is to design for conversions, not merely aesthetics. The combination of these two principles has elevated email design to both an art and a science. The science guides the construction of an email message, from the coding to the layout and the rendering. The art is in bringing all […]

4 minute read

Copywriting for Email Marketing: A Summary

When crafting an email, the priority often lies with choosing the images and template design, rather than the words in the message. However, the copy, from the subject line to the footer at the bottom of the email, is crucial to communicating the right message. When campaigns regularly underperform, a lack of effective and persuasive […]

2 minute read

Communications Strategy in Email Marketing: A Summary

Having a comprehensive email strategy is no longer a ‘nice to have’ feature. It is essential. Today’s email communications are more complex, thanks to changing customer expectations, new technologies and the ever-present pressure from finance and executive teams to deliver results with the highest possible return on investment. This places great pressure on the email […]

3 minute read

The Role of Segmentation and Personalisation in Email Marketing

Segmentation and personalisation are practices that enable marketers to deliver a better user experience and drive engagement and loyalty. This chapter discusses what differentiates segmentation from personalisation and gives an overview of their application in email marketing. Segmentation and personalisation: An overview Segmentation and personalisation remain high on marketers’ wish lists of techniques they aspire […]

5 minute read

Segmentation and Personalisation in Email Marketing: A Summary

Nearly all research into email personalisation over the last 20 years supports the contention that customers will act on email messages that are relevant to their interests, preferences and behaviour. Relying on one-size-fits-all communications fails to maximise the potential of email as a direct-response, business-building channel. A targeted approach that uses a strategic combination of […]

3 minute read

Setting Goals and Measuring Performance in Email Marketing: A Summary

Email marketing succeeds when it follows a well-planned strategic programme. This must be defined by goals and objectives that can be measured to determine whether those goals have been achieved. With this guide, marketers can learn how to use metrics and other measures to determine how effectively they are meeting their goals. Reporting on campaign […]

2 minute read

The Agile Innovation Imperative

Organisations that understand the need to be agile and innovative have a significant advantage over their competitors for reasons that will become clear in this chapter. This section of the research explores what it means to be agile and innovative, and some of the key enablers of success. Rapid change and the need for greater […]

11 minute read

Digital Transformation: A Summary

This research is designed to provide marketers and innovation practitioners with practical guidance and advice on how to apply key principles and behaviours that sit at the heart of agile ways of working in order to support innovation and experimentation as well as greater organisational and team agility. With societal, market, competitive and customer contexts […]

2 minute read

The Drivers of B2B Digital Transformation

In a rapidly evolving online landscape, B2B businesses must embrace digital to stay competitive. This chapter provides a guide to understanding how digital trends have evolved and the impact on B2B organisations. The current context The global Covid-19 pandemic accelerated digital trends that were already underway by five to 10 years[1] driving a focus on […]

15 minute read

B2B Digital Transformation: A Summary

The Covid-19 pandemic forced many changes on B2B companies, in particular the need to serve customers digitally. This included facilitating virtual sales calls, improving ecommerce offerings and optimising digital customer service.  To put this into context, just under half (49%) of B2B purchases now take place online, according to a 2021 B2B Future Shopper Report […]

5 minute read