Implementation and optimisation

Data-Driven Marketing Strategy and Execution

Being able to execute a successful data-driven marketing strategy depends on a number of factors. For reasons discussed in this chapter, marketers that understand the foundational elements will have a significant advantage. Deriving value from data – a foundational approach People, process, technology Data-driven marketing can only be truly effective if all the key components […]

10 minute read

Understanding UX

Fundamentally, good UX is concerned with creating a better experience for users. Before discussing the key principles of UX, it is important to understand the broader components that make an experience great, rather than just okay or bad. Components of user experience These components can be organised into a pyramid, with the most basic and […]

11 minute read

Wireframes and Prototyping for UX and Interaction Design

Wireframes and prototypes are valuable tools in the design and development process, demonstrating the overall structure and functionality of a digital product. Being able to use them effectively, therefore, is an essential skill to have. Wireframes Wireframes are simple designs that present the framework of a software product. They are used to communicate the core […]

12 minute read

Understanding User-Centred Design

Marketers that understand the core principles of user-centred design (UCD) will be better-placed to understand UX. But there are a number of key factors to bear in mind before putting it into practice. What is user-centred design? User-centred design (UCD) is based on the same ‘customer-first’ principles as design thinking, but rather than focusing on […]

22 minute read

UX and Interaction Design in Practice

This chapter explores the design toolkit needed to achieve best practice in visual design, interaction design and patterns design to improve the user experience of the product. The advice in this chapter is by no means dogma, instead it should be considered a set of general rules that are based on the principles detailed up […]

22 minute read

The Business Case for UX and Interaction Design

There are myriad company-wide benefits of good UX, from increasing engagement, sales and ROI, to boosting customer acquisition, retention and loyalty. Making the case for investment is a challenge marketers face across the board, but the business case for UX is strong, as explored in this chapter. Protecting the business against new entrants The principles […]

12 minute read

Retail Media: A Checklist

Retail media is currently seeing a perfect storm of growth, catalysed by the need for retailers to improve profit margins, growing complexity in customer journeys and evolving shopping behaviour with a greater emphasis on digital channels, in addition to the pressure on brands to continuously increase sales, often in low-growth environments. There are multiple reasons […]

3 minute read

Retail Media Measurement and Optimisation

Clear objectives are the foundation of any successful strategy, and these must be supported by an established hierarchy of measures and metrics in order to track and optimise performance. This chapter looks at aligning goals and KPIs, the closed-loop model of attribution inherent in retail media, and appropriate measures across the customer journey. Taking a […]

8 minute read

Retail Media Execution

In order to maximise the impact of retail media campaigns, an omnichannel approach is essential. This enables campaigns, activity and customer experiences to be joined up across a brand’s channels, and for the most appropriate ad formats to be selected to reach customers at the right points in the customer journey. Omnichannel retail media In the […]

13 minute read