Implementation and optimisation

Challenges in Applying Agility in Marketing and Innovation

The ability to be agile requires organisations to make strategic, operational and cultural changes. This chapter provides a guide to overcoming some of the most common barriers to agility, and how to make space for innovation within an organisation. Understanding barriers to agility The introduction and scaling of agile ways of working is its own […]

11 minute read

Critical Agile Principles and How to Apply Them

There are several key principles that underpin agility in marketing, ecommerce and innovation. This chapter provides an overview of those and how to apply them in an organisation. Principles and Practice In the original Agile Manifesto, there were 12 key principles that underpinned the four overarching values which when combined, captured the essence of Agile […]

30 minute read

Agility in Marketing, Ecommerce and Innovation

In the context of rapidly changing environments, many marketing teams are seeking to augment existing capability with much greater levels of adaptability, responsiveness and customer centricity. The chapter outlines where the opportunities to apply agile methods are, plus key considerations for structuring and resourcing teams. What is agile marketing? Building on an original definition of […]

12 minute read

B2B Transformation in Practice

The increased demand for digital products and services from B2B customers has created a huge opportunity for B2B companies. To make the most of the opportunity, companies will need to nurture the right vision and culture in order to transform the business. They will need to continually work to improve the customer experience and support […]

5 minute read

Creating Journey-Based Experiences for B2B

Creating compelling digital B2B experiences requires a deep understanding of customers. This includes understanding the end-to-end customer journey, the pain points and where digital can support the process.  The digital customer experience Research from Wunderman Thompson revealed that more than half (52%) of firms experience frustration with online B2B buying and, as a result, over […]

21 March 2024
15 minute read

Optimising B2B Digital Experiences

Econsultancy’s 2023 Digital Trends predictions, alongside previous surveys, showcase how optimising the customer experience and customer journey management remain among the top priorities for both B2C and B2B companies. This chapter looks at the key considerations for organisations planning to deliver on the B2B digital experience. Digital expectations In order to deliver a positive digital […]

12 minute read

Testing, Optimisation and Attribution in Ecommerce

Testing should be used throughout the customer journey to optimise against key goals and measures. This chapter provides an overview of the testing process. It includes an experimental framework to allow for continuous optimisation and outlines models for attribution – another important consideration for teams seeking to understand how much each channel contributes to ecommerce […]

5 minute read

Evolving Social Commerce

Around 4.6 billion people (more than half of the world’s population) use social media,[1] with consumers spending an average of two and half hours a day on social platforms, according to Hootsuite and GlobalWebIndex.[2] As platforms explore an ever-increasing list of ways to monetise their audiences, social commerce is expanding rapidly. This chapter looks at […]

23 minute read

Channels for Ecommerce

Strategies for generating and fulfilling demand in ecommerce should focus on customer understanding and ways to maximise brand experience, sales and conversion. A key part of this is understanding the best routes to market and different channels. This chapter looks at the various options available to brands, the opportunities and challenges presented by each, as […]

14 minute read

Shopper Occasions and Missions in Ecommerce

Customer-centric approaches in ecommerce involve considering shopper missions and occasions as well as other behavioural and psychographic signals. Viewing customer experiences through the lenses of shopper occasions and missions can give teams the benefit of good insights into shopper motivations and what will help them to find and buy the products they are looking for […]

4 minute read