Implementation and optimisation

Considerations for Email Design

When designing an email, it is vital to consider who will be reading the email. Email marketers should ensure they think about the different reading requirements and cultural differences of audience segments. Designing for accessibility Accessibility has become a pressing issue as awareness of the difficulties many email subscribers have in reading and interacting with […]

7 minute read

Best Practice for Email Design

The design of an email needs to take both technical and creative considerations into account, from the placement of elements to the use of code to ensure emails render correctly. This chapter looks at best practice for email design. ‘Above the fold’ and ‘below the fold’ These terms come from newspaper design and refer to […]

15 minute read

Master Templates for Email Design

Marketers do not have to reinvent the wheel every time they want to send a new message. Every successful email marketing programme makes use of well-designed templates. These will have been tested for functionality across multiple email platforms and devices, and they can be modified in terms of content and messaging. This chapter discusses the […]

10 minute read

Generative AI and Email Marketing

Generative AI refers to “artificial intelligence-powered tools that produce text, imagery, or video”.[1] Like other forms of AI, it uses data-led algorithms to drive decision-making without relying exclusively on human-designed rules. This chapter reviews the evolution of generative algorithms and marketers’ attitudes to the technology. It explores marketing use cases and generative AI’s role in […]

19 minute read

Fitting the Email Pieces Together

An email is like the human body: it is most effective when all of the individual parts work together instead of against each other. This chapter focuses in detail on the different elements of the email, their distinct roles, and how they can be optmised to work in tandem. The anatomy of an email The […]

13 minute read

Best Practices for Effective Email Copywriting

From crafting an effective headline to writing like a journalist, email marketers can use a number of different techniques and frameworks to write copy that persuades email subscribers to click through to web pages. Copywriting for email audiences A McKinsey study from the height of the pandemic credited Covid-19 with moving digital transformation ahead by […]

13 minute read

Conversion-Focused Email Copywriting

When seeking to understand how to write good email copy, it is essential to comprehend the difference between copywriting for email and copywriting for other channels, as the concept of a conversion from email is different. Understanding that distinction is the first step towards writing more conversion-focused email copy, which this chapter addresses. Why email […]

7 minute read

Copywriting for Email Marketing: A Summary

When crafting an email, the priority often lies with choosing the images and template design, rather than the words in the message. However, the copy, from the subject line to the footer at the bottom of the email, is crucial to communicating the right message. When campaigns regularly underperform, a lack of effective and persuasive […]

2 minute read

Integrating Email Marketing into Server-Side Processes

Email marketing should be considered in the context of other channels of communication. This chapter looks at integrations between email and some of the  other touchpoints between organisations and their customers. Mobile apps Mobile apps are now a common and often critical part of the online landscape. As well as enabling push notifications and in-app […]

8 minute read

Managing Email Marketing within Organisations

An email calendar is the best way of taking control of email frequency, intervals and content within an organisation. While individual groups within large organisations will usually have their own schedules, the key is to bring these together into a unified content calendar. This chapter looks at strategies for managing this. Clear ownership and central […]

13 minute read

Considerations for an Email Communications Strategy

An email strategy should cover all aspects of the email programme, including when, where, what and whom to email. Today, however, marketers have an increasingly complex number of points to consider. This chapter covers several developments that marketing teams, even those with long-term, well-defined email strategies, should review to determine whether they are included in […]

13 minute read

Expanding the Use of Automation for Email Marketing

Marketing automation offers exciting possibilities for businesses that want to expand the scale and reach of their marketing activities while driving efficiency. This chapter looks at the potential of this technology for email marketing. Email marketing and automation: An overview Event-triggered emails are among the most powerful types of email messages as they are contextual, […]

6 minute read