Behavioural targeting

mobile marketing

Marketing is failing at its top priority: Three findings from new research

In new research, Econsultancy has discovered startling ways modern marketing is failing at what should be its top priority: Recognizing customers as individuals across devices and media.

It began with a premise that won’t startle many data-weary marketers - that despite the assurances of the vendor community, achieving true customer recognition isn’t easy and isn’t happening for many companies.

Instant messaging: An introduction to the future of communication

At Facebook’s F8 conference earlier this year, Mark Zuckerberg said “(Instant messaging) is going to be the next big platform for helping you connect with all kinds of services in new ways”.

When you bear in mind this is a man who spent the best part of $22bn buying WhatsApp, you can be pretty sure he’s going to be right.

But where is instant messaging heading and what does this mean for marketers?