Augmented reality

Three ways the iPhone X will change CX in travel & tourism

Apple has officially unveiled the iPhone X.

CEO Tim Cook stated the device is “the future of the smartphone,” and it’s clear the iPhone X (pronounced “ten”) offers the most significant update to the iPhone family in years, with edge-to-edge OLED display, facial recognition capabilities and an aptitude for augmented reality. 

Four ways travel brands can improve the customer experience

When it comes to the opportunity for customer engagement, the travel industry already has a head-start – because who doesn’t get excited at the prospect of going on holiday?

But while travel consumers might naturally be more inclined to engage, this also means there is greater opportunity for brands to get it wrong. Delays and disruptions might mar a travel experience, but how a brand deals with it can make or break a customer relationship.

Star Wars uses AR experiential campaign to drive people in-store

In mid-December, the latest Star Wars movie, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, will make its theatrical debut.

The stakes are high for Disney, which purchased Star Wars creator Lucasfilm for more than $4bn in 2012. The movie industry, like so many others, is changing (or being disrupted if you prefer) and blockbuster hits are increasingly important to studios, even one as blessed as Disney with strong franchises.

The best social stories and campaigns from May 2017

Is it me, or did May disappear faster than a box of Magnums on a hot bank holiday? 

It was a hectic one in the world of social media too. Let’s take a look back at some of the highlights, including Twitter fails, records, travel campaigns, and more.

How WAH Nails is using VR to enhance the salon experience

Trying to decide what colour to paint your nails is up there with all the other crucial, life-and-death decisions we face in life. Like choosing a pizza topping or a new Netflix series.

Trust me, this dilemma can actually be a pretty big problem for beauty salons. After all, the slower a customer makes a decision, the less time there is left in a day to squeeze in extra appointments.

Four digital priorities for retailers in 2017

According to recent research, mobile accounted for 41% of retail revenues in the UK last Christmas. Unsurprisingly, with smartphone shopping on the rise, it looks set to be a key area of focus for marketers in the year ahead. 

Of course, being mobile-friendly is not the only priority. Econsultancy’s latest Digital Trends in Retail Report, published in association with Adobe, outlines how retailers are striving to improve customer experience across the board.