Media planning and buying

Unilever fires a shot across the bow of Google and Facebook, but is it all bark and no bite?

Recent history hasn’t been so nice to Google and Facebook.

In the wake of a growing number of scandals involving fake news and high-profile content creators that publish through their platforms, the two digital behemoths have found themselves facing scrutiny and scorn from the public, politicians and advertisers at a level they haven’t experienced previously.

Digital publishers fall back to earth

The digital publishing industry was hit with a surprise late last week as reports broke indicating that digital media darling Mashable was sold to Ziff Davis for just $50m.

That’s a small fraction of the $250m investors had valued the company at in its most recent funding round last year.

The myth of storytelling in marketing and why brands should encourage ‘story sharing’

The word ‘story’ is so compelling (and so heavily employed) in marketing, because it evokes emotional reactions rooted in our childhood. Many of the stories told us by our parents were in turn heard from their parents before that and so on.

It is this transferred passion and heritage that makes the word, and associations we have with it, so powerful.