
Nine of the best social campaigns from March 2014

Another month has passed, so it’s time to look back and reflect on some of the interesting social campaigns that we saw during March.

This time around the list includes Cancer Research’s #nomakeupselfie campaign, a competition to win World Cup tickets, a few viral videos, and several campaigns that reward users with personalised videos.

And if you’re still clamouring for more social campaigns, check out our round ups from the first few months of 2014 and the whole of 2012.

Man City tops the social media Premier League table

Not only are Manchester City in the box seat for the league title this season, but the club’s social strategy is keeping pace with the on-pitch performance. 

This is the verdict of a report by Accepted Socially, which has ranked the league’s 20 teams according to their ‘performance’ on social media. 

We have been impressed with Man City’s digital marketing strategy in general, so it’s no great surprise to see this. 

I’ve been looking at the reasons for Man City’s success, and contrasting with the team in 19th place, Newcastle United. 

76% of second-screeners aren’t looking for TV-related content: report

Second screening is a fact of life in our new mobile-enhanced world. Regardless of how interesting a TV show might be, viewers will always turn to their phone to check messages, share their thoughts via Twitter, or just aimlessly browse Instagram.

As with all changes in consumer behaviour, marketers are falling over themselves to find a way of injecting their brand messages into the second-screen experience.

It’s easy to see the attraction, as in theory smartphones allow brands to deliver a more in-depth and engaging experience to enhance their TV campaigns. 

Our own Ben Davis has already gone on record to register his doubts over whether marketers will ever achieve any success with the second screen, however a new report from Millward Brown shows why brands won’t stop experimenting with this channel any time soon.

Eight inspiring digital marketing campaigns from Samsung

Samsung has generated a bit of buzz in the tech world this week by announcing a Kanye West and Jay Z concert at SXSW that is only open to owners of its Galaxy devices.

It marks the continuation of Samsung’s association with Jay Z, as back in 2013 Galaxy owners could grab a free copy of the rapper’s new album by downloading an app.

This inspired me to delve further into Samsung’s back catalogue to see what other interesting digital marketing campaigns it had been come up with over the years.

You can also read similar posts focusing on digital campaigns from Coca-Cola, Nike and McDonald’s

Eight impressive social campaigns we’ve seen so far in 2014

In January I forgot to publish our monthly roundup of impressive social media campaigns. Please accept my apologies.

But fear not, for this post includes examples of high quality social campaigns that ran in the first two months of 2014.

So read on to see eight examples of innovative or interesting campaigns, featuring Urban Decay, Land Rover, Esurance, Renault and Juventus FC…

The inexorable usefulness of Twitter to publishers and authors

I’m trying my best to sound literary in this post – the pseud’s headline, the confessional first line.

I was tweeted by an author this morning. The whole uplifting experience was enough to slap me in the face with the wet fish of Twitter’s usefulness to the author and publisher.

I thought suddenly, I should write this up for the blog! One of the great things about the blog is the opportunity it affords us to commit the bonne pensée to a medium slightly less fleeting than mere conversation.

The story is this: I was tweeted by an author and subsequently decided to buy her book. These things happened for a number of reasons.

I’ll detail the exchange and then discuss why this case study is symptomatic of Twitter’s use and usefulness.

BBC is the most shared UK news outlet on Twitter, Mail Online is fifth

The BBC and The Guardian are the most dominant UK news outlets in terms of the number of shares on Twitter, according to new data from PeerIndex.

UK Twitter users shared just over 4.2m articles from BBC News in January 2014, which apparently resulted in more than 100bn potential impressions of BBC content to Twitter users globally.

In comparison, content from The Guardian was shared 2.4m times via Twitter while The Telegraph came in third with 913,000 shares.

The research also shows the negative impact that paywalls have on social sharing, as The New York Times is the only paid-for online publications to make the top 10. For more on The NYT’s business model, read our report on its recent native advertising trial.

The 20 different ways of using the Twitter favourite button

What is Twitter’s favourite button for, exactly? What does it mean when somebody ‘favourites’ one of your tweets? When and why do you press the button? 

There are a variety of reasons why people choose to ‘favourite’ tweets. In fact, I’ve identified 20 different reasons for doing so. If you’re anything like me you’ll use the button in a bunch of ways. 

You can be sure that I’ve missed a few things out, so be sure to leave a comment if you use the button in yet another way.

So then, why do people press the favourite button?


Six ways to use Twitter Analytics for better campaign planning

Twitter usage is high among businesses small and large, but did you know that the analytics now available from the platform has some great features that could help inform and drive your marketing planning for this channel?

In this post I’ll explain six different ways in which you can make use of these simple tools to improve social campaign planning.

Twitter Analytics is made up of a few different dashboards, each with a specific use:

  • Timeline activity: measures the activity of your tweets.
  • Followers: looks at the interests, locations, and demographics of your followers.
  • Twitter Cards: shows activity for each type of Twitter Card installed.
  • Websites: provides real-time information about traffic from Twitter to your domains.

Seven Valentine’s Day brand-wagon hijacks

The first step in any marketing brainstorm is always a discussion around potential news hooks and what might be coming up soon, so brands love to jump on celebration days as a way to get people talking.

From Christmas special editions, to April Fools’ Day stunts, a national day can be a great chance for brands to share their message, and Valentine’s Day PR hijacking is no exception.

Here I’ve taken a look at seven Valentine’s Day campaigns from this year, with a focus on UK and global brands…

Is Twitter planning a major redesign?

So Twitter has just rolled out its latest look, and if we are to believe the latest pictures of yet more testing, it could be ‘goodbye, Twitter feed’ and more ‘hello, timeline’…

Could it be that the unmistakeable look of Twitter is to become a thing of the past?

How Nordstrom uses Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and Google+

It’s been a while since I added to our series of posts looking at how major brands use social, so I thought it about time to pass judgment on another unsuspecting marketing team.

On this occasion the brand in question is fashion retailer Nordstrom which it turns out has a rather good social strategy, particularly when it comes to Pinterest.

This article follows on from similar posts looking at ASOS, Coca-Cola, Nike, H&M and Burberry, among others.
