
Amazon’s new FC Ambassadors program is bad social media strategy

Amazon might be the master of ecommerce and, increasingly, just about everything else. But following the discovery that the company is employing workers to defend it on social media, it is clear that Amazon has yet to master the art of reputation management on social media.

The past several years have been especially prosperous for Amazon, and 2018 has seen the company’s fortunes – as well as that of its founder and CEO, Jeff Bezos – rise to new heights.

How brands can use social media polling

Twitter polls have been around for a while, but with Facebook Messenger and Instagram more recently adding similar features to their respective platforms – polls are having a bit of a resurgence.

What Facebook and Instagram’s big API changes could mean for brands

In response to the ongoing scandal over its data collection, usage and sharing policies, Facebook has announced a slew of its changes to the Facebook and Instagram APIs. These APIs, or application programming interfaces, allow third parties to build applications that interact with Facebook and Instagram. 

The changes have the potential to affect a number of players that participate in the Facebook and Instagram ecosystems, including brands.

Six of the best travel brands on YouTube, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest & LinkedIn

Travel brands no longer rely so heavily on TV advertising to reach holiday-hungry consumers. Now, with a whopping 97% of millennials reported to have posted photos or videos of their travels on social networking sites – the internet is a veritable treasure trove of inspiration.

As well as capitalising on this growing consumer desire to share experiences, travel brands are also expanding their own social media strategies to better market their services (and capture the attention of all demographics).