Reputation management

Is there such a thing as ‘bad publicity’ on social media?

Today’s consumers are more empowered than ever to raise their voices and speak out when brands do something to spark their ire.

And it would seem that the old adage “there’s no such thing as bad publicity” isn’t quite true in the realm of social media.

But is that really the case?

Millennials open to pharma ads, but pharma not delivering on UX

They’re often claimed to be one of the hardest groups to advertise to, but according to the sixth annual Makovsky/Kelton Pulse of Online Search survey, millennials are “by far the most receptive to pharmaceutical marketing.”

How receptive? According to the survey (PDF), which polled more than 1,000 Americans over the age of 18, 51% of millennials indicated that they would be motivated by a digital, television or print ad to visit a pharma-sponsored website.

Is Twitter getting too noisy for high-profile users?

Celebrities and athletes often turn to Twitter to interact with their fans, but for one of the National Basketball Association’s biggest stars the popular platform became too noisy.

As his following grew into the millions, Stephen Curry of the Golden State Warriors started using Twitter less and less, something his former university roommate, Bryant Barr, noticed.